BioShock for PS3… and an animated TV Show?

   I don’t know how many of you guys know this but my gaming platform of choice is the Playstation 3. Rumors have been circulating for a long time about BioShock coming to the PS3. Before now though there was no evidence to back this up. Just recently though the Bioshock team put out a press release saying they were looking for PS3 developers. The rumor is it is coming this September. Keep your eyes peeled. Sarcastic Gamer also just published a post saying they have reason to believe that there will be an animated tv series. What’s more, they even posted some videos. Watch them after the jump.

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Stop Overhyping Gears of War 2

     I’m telling you guys. You need to stop it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s going to be a sick game, just not on the GTAIV scale. If the hype keeps building the game is going to be a let down to you and your not going to enjoy it as much. From the look of the trailer the game just isn’t going to be as revolutionary. The graphics are just average, and the once “revolutionary” gameplay mechanics (cover-system, ect.) have now been successfully implemented in many games since the original Gears of War. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

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