Middle Finger in Halo Reach

A friend and I were comparing our stats after a match, switching back and forth between our two profiles when we noticed that the little box in the bottom right corner that showed what weapon we got the most kills with could be turned into a nice little animation by switching back and forth rapidly. I had the most melee kills so mine had an arm, and he had the most with the battle rifle, so it was a gun with a long slender tip, that conveniently looks much like a finger. The video speaks for itself:

Gamestop Now Selling PSN Giftcards

I was browsing the gamestop site recently when I noticed that they are now selling a 20 dollar PSN giftcard.

Now Available at Your Local Gamestop

Now Available at Your Local Gamestop

Until now these had only been available at more obscure stores including Blockbuster and other non-gaming oriented stores. You can find these on the Gamestop website under Playststion accessories. I picked up four of these suckers just today.

Purchase Car Upgrades with Real Life Cash in Need for Speed Undercover

I was watching the new Need for Speed Undercover trailer on Gametrailers today when something made me stop and rewind the video. The man was showing off the car customization and upgrading system when he tried to purchase an upgrade. Upon doing so a confirmation screen came up that looked like this:

You can use Microsoft Points!

You can use Microsoft Points!

If this is to be believed then you can use your Microsoft Points in order to purchase car upgrades! I’m not exactly sure what the PS3 version is going to do and I’m pretty sure this feature hasn’t been officially announced yet but I thought you guys might want to know about it. Leave your opinions on this in the comments below.

You can find the origonal video here: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/42521.html

I took the screen at “2:17”.

New Xbox 360 Prices are Official

We’ve all been hearing about them for weeks but they are now official. They go as follows:


Arcade: 199

Pro (60 GB): 299

Elite: 399

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BioShock for PS3… and an animated TV Show?

   I don’t know how many of you guys know this but my gaming platform of choice is the Playstation 3. Rumors have been circulating for a long time about BioShock coming to the PS3. Before now though there was no evidence to back this up. Just recently though the Bioshock team put out a press release saying they were looking for PS3 developers. The rumor is it is coming this September. Keep your eyes peeled. Sarcastic Gamer also just published a post saying they have reason to believe that there will be an animated tv series. What’s more, they even posted some videos. Watch them after the jump.

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Stop Overhyping Gears of War 2

     I’m telling you guys. You need to stop it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s going to be a sick game, just not on the GTAIV scale. If the hype keeps building the game is going to be a let down to you and your not going to enjoy it as much. From the look of the trailer the game just isn’t going to be as revolutionary. The graphics are just average, and the once “revolutionary” gameplay mechanics (cover-system, ect.) have now been successfully implemented in many games since the original Gears of War. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Sony is shooting itself in the foot

As you may know i am little biased towards Sony so it really pains me everytime I hear that they lost another of their great exclusive IPs. It first started with GTA4 and has recently continued with the announcement at E3 that Final Fantasy VIII will be releasing simultaniously on both Microsoft’s and Sony’s platforms. The main reason for the Playstation 2’s success is because of all the great software that is available for it. Without all these exclusives Sony would have never sold over 10 million units. It doesn’t help that Microsoft has an endless budget and is aggressivly going after exclusives. I am considering right now whether to buy an xbox just for Gears 2. I understand that because the PS3 got such a late launch that Sony lost a lot of money, but with sales rising, it is very necessary that they improve upon this in the future.