Glitch in the iTunes Store Allows Free Purchases

My iTunes account, containing about four dollars of store credit, is hooked up to an empty Visa gift card. After spending all but about twenty cents of my store credit, I decided I might as well try to buy something else, expecting for iTunes to give me an error. To my surprise, it didn’t, and allowed me to purchase the song. Over the next 24 hours I spent around $30 on iTunes without having to pay for anything. This morning, after attempting to purchase an app, it gave me a message telling me that there was an error in my billing info.

Sending Me To My Purchase History

Sending Me To My Purchase History

It then led me to a page with my purchase history, telling me that I owe almost thirty dollars.

I Owe iTunes $30

I Owe iTunes $30

It then took me to a page where I was to correct my billing info and let it charge me the money I owe.


I canceled out of this and noticed that I had some updates available for my apps. I proceeded to attempt to download these free updates, but it told me I had an error with my billing information and I needed to correct it before I could proceed. My account is now essentially frozen and I am not able to update any apps or download any of my TV Show subscriptions.

To stay updated on how this plays out, follow me on Twitter:

11 Responses to “Glitch in the iTunes Store Allows Free Purchases”

  1. Alex Says:

    I did the exact same thing, but don’t fret, it will still allow you to use gift cards!, just don’t put in a credit card number

  2. jason Says:

    i was wondering.. uhm soo u owe itunes $30, and ur not gna pay ? wouldn’t itunes track u down .. sort of?

  3. Callum Says:

    Hi there,

    I had the same problem, so, i switched my payment details to ‘none’, then put the card details in again. This worked for me and I hope it works for you.


  4. Folding Table Says:

    when it comes to free games, i always look for free flash games because they have small file sizes :,”

  5. Brandon Sim Says:

    Yes he is telling the truth because I know how to do it too. It’s actually really easy. If you want to buy unlimited apps for free make sure the price of the app is more than the present money on your credit card or gift card you are currently using on your account.

    There is also another glitch for in game money purchasing. The glitch is to get under $20 then purchase a $20 package, then if you want more you’ll have to do the $10 then the $5 but then do the $1 five times but once you do this process down to the $1 five times, it will cancel your account to work with any credit card nor the one you are currently using at all until the next Apple terms of agreement change. To continuously do this glitch just keep on creating new iTunes accounts with the same credit card for in game cash. Everytime you sign up for iTunes with the card it will dispute your credit by $1 but you will get it back within one month so it’s all good if your worrying.

    By the way I recommend that you if you want apps, just jailbreak your iPod. -_-

    Also ever since the 4.0 update on iPods and the new iPhone 4, you are required to confirm your account with your email so now the process to create new accounts to constantly glitch the in game cash is much longer and extended and the process just to create an email is long enough.

    I have only found out that this glitch mostly works on Visa My Treat Cards, Visa Cards and West Edmonton Mall Master Cards.

    • Ben Says:

      Or you could not steal software…just a thought…people work hard to develop it. There are a ton of free apps out there and many more paid apps that go free for periods of time, not to mention lite versions – a lot of which have almost all the functions of the full version. If you want to jailbreak that works too, but don’t get Appulous, the program he is referring too. People who advocate stealing software tend to be script kiddies anyway. Those of us who develop know the value of a good product and tend to buy, and we don’t use stupid serial number programs and stolen software. Best thing to do is to research and buy only what you need.

  6. Ben Says:

    The “glitch” is actually up to $40, and I for one think it is there on purpose to encourage more spending. It’s like a mini-credit line, but they will push it through, even if its under $40, after a few days. Also, if you purchase from a different device it will first charge you (most of the time) the balance of the device you were previously using (i.e. download an app from the iPhone and you will first be charged your iTunes balance). Finally, none of this stuff always goes according to plan, sometimes these methods don’t work.

  7. Mike Says:

    can u get fined or sued or even face jail time for this? some1 stole my gift card and is using it for this .. will i get in trouble for being the owner of gift card?? whats the worst that could happen to me since i didnt do any illegal activity, it was just my card

  8. Emma Says:

    Hey nice but can u email me how u got to spend that 30$ plz thanks nice blog btw!!!;)

  9. doniel halpert Says:

    if i go on the ipod now and switch accounts will they charge me on the second account?

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